Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Up, Up, and Away

So I have never "blogged" before, and I will apologize in advance for my writing skills.  According to the GRE I am verbally-challenged, but I will do my best!  When I asked Napes what we should title our first blog while sitting here in the Indianapolis airport she poetically replied, "Up, Up, and Away".  So here it is, Thanks Napes - you're such a lyricist.

I just want to say thanks first to everyone who helped me this past week with getting my life in order.  It wasn't easy taking finals, moving, and packing to live on the road for the next 8 months and I couldn't have done it without everyone's help.  Special thanks to Mom and Cathy for all the cleaning and packing, Dad and Phyliss for cleaning and packing as well as driving my Eurail pass up to Indianapolis last minute (I had a near-emotional breakdown), Jenny for being my personal assistant, and Meghan for taking lots of my junk!  Oh yea, and Mom and Dan for taking care of my kitties while I'm away.  If I forgot anyone else, I am sorry, I've been forgetting lots of things lately!  And I want to thank God (don't they do that at the Oscar's?).  Napes told me that my thank you's sounded like an acceptance speech for an award.

We are about to take off and will be in D.C. for about 5 hours, then will land in Rome for the first leg of our adventure!



  1. Sounds like the adventure has already started. The acceptance speech was great, but don't worry, I'll never come to your rescue during an exam again (in my pjs, in the rain) since I'm not appreciated like Meghan who simply took some stuff. Haha! Yall have fun and keep bloggin!

  2. Hey girls! Have so much fun in Europe! See you in March, jen! I'm assuming you meant to blog "8 weeks" and not "8 months"?!

  3. Hey Jenna,
    Throw a penny in Trevi Fountain for me! Have a great trip and please be careful!

  4. Hey world travelers! We need to come up with a catchy name for both of you such as JeNapes...how 'bout that. I don't want to be a Davey downer but did you know about the bad virus in London. You may want to check with the social medical system in Europe to see if you can get a flu shot for it. Let us know when you get to Rome. Love you guys (JeNapes) Dave & Phyliss

  5. I'm not sure what Dad &amp is but must be a glich in the system.

  6. Have so much fun girls!!! I'm really excited about this blog so I can hear all about your adventures! This is such an amazing experience and I'm so excited for you two!!!! Be safe! Love you both! Hill
