Wednesday, March 4, 2009

C'est la vie!


So this is a bit late, and I have already been back from Europe for almost a week, but I'm figuring if there are a few of you still out there still checking this (and for me to look back on again some day in reminiscence) then I thought I'd finish out my blog in retrospect.

My mom, Aunt Nancy, and 2 of my mom's friends came into town the Sunday after Barcelona. We had a great time that day, it was mostly filled with my trying to entertain them to keep them from falling asleep because they were so tired and jet-lagged. We saw a few sights (Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, etc.) and then found a great hotel bar on the river and vegged out for a few hours before having dinner and calling it a night.

I went and met up with them each night for dinner, but the most memorable night for me (and least memorable one for them) was Monday night. They had had enough sightseeing by early afternoon and decided to take to some vodka tonics. A few thousand later I was off work and met up with them. We went to dinner, my mom proceeds to fall asleep at the dinner table and had to leave early in a taxi. Let's just say she didn't feel too hot the next day, but still toughed it out for more sightseeing.

The next weekend my mom, aunt, and myself flew to Paris and stayed over Saturday night. It was absolutely wonderful and much better than I was expecting. We walked around the city both days, seeing all the sights. We went into the Louvre and saw the Mona Lisa, and went into another museum to see some paintings by Van Gogh, Renoir, and Monet (as well as other greats whose names I didn't recognize!). We went into Notre Dame, walked along the Champs-Elysees, and climbed the stairs to the top of the Arc de Triomphe. No trip to Paris is complete without seeing the Eiffel Tower (which would be impossible since you can see it from almost everywhere in the city), and I took way too many pictures of it! We found a great outside cafe (that had heaters) and drank a glass of wine and it had the most picturesque view of the Eiffel Tower. We sat there for 2 twinklings (the tower twinkles at the top of the hour every hour for about 5 minutes), and that was by far the highlight of my Paris trip.

The people were nicer than I was expecting, especially since the last french-speaking country I went to wasn't such a great experience (Belgium). My mom was an absolute riot because anytime she went to speak to anyone she would start by saying VERY loudly and clearly..."DO YOU SPEAK EEENGLISH???". Even to people she already knew could speak some English. I got a big kick out of that anyways! I kind of went with the method of asking the question anyways and if they couldn't answer it I just moved on to the next person! Hearing her say that was probably highlight #2 for the trip. : ) Love you mom!

My mom and aunt flew out the morning after we got back from Paris, but it wasn't too sad of a goodbye since I was heading home in less than a week!

Au Revoir!

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