Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Last week and Bath!

View of Bath

Trying on a corset at the Fashion Museum in Bath.  Thank God we don't wear these anymore!

Drinking the water from the natural hot springs - it was nappy!

At the Roman Baths

Hello from London!

It's been awhile since I've been able to get on the internet and write out a blog so I'll try and get everyone up to speed with my life lately!  Last week was my first full week seeing patients.  The pace was still about the same, only seeing between 2 and 4 patients a day, which makes the days go so slow since we are so used to seeing more patients back in the States.  At first I was nervous because I didn't want to be behind with my next clinicals when I return, but I'm making the most out of it and being able to do more in the evenings and venture out.  I've had a chance to be much more hands on with the patients, and I have taken on my first 2 patients of my own that I see everyday - I've already seen improvements which helped settle some of my nerves.

We didn't do a lot last week in the evenings.  We went to ASDA on Monday night (which is owned by Wal-Mart) and bought some food and a couple DVDs (they are so cheap over here!).  Tuesday night we came to the Putney Station, which is the restaurant we go to when we want to get on the internet, but I didn't have much to report on then so I didn't write a blog!  Wednesday night Melissa and our friend Laura and I order Dominos and had a night in at the dorms.  Thursday night Melissa and I ventured out and hopped on the Tube and went to Fulham, which was a cute area with lots of restaurants and pubs.  We found a Spanish Tapas restaurant and it was absolutely delicious!  Definitely the best food we've had in London so far!  Friday night we went out with people from our PT Department for a co-worker's going away party.  It was a lot of fun to get out with everyone and get to know them outside of work.  A few people tied one on pretty good, which is always fun to watch as long as it's not me!  Melissa and I didn't get too rowdy because we had to get up early and catch a train out...

To Bath, England!  It was just an hour and a half train ride and it's a beautiful old city with Roman Ruins.   The Roman Baths are there which were cool to see.  There was some Goddess named Minerva, and when the town people would want to curse someone (especially if something of theirs had been stolen) they would go to the baths and throw scribes with who they want cursed and how they should be cursed along with money and Minerva would punish them.  You better believe I threw in a coin in hopes that Minerva would curse the guy who stole my purse!  We then went to a Fashion Museum which showed fashion through the ages.  They had dresses from the 1700's that were very elaborate.  I'm glad we don't dress like that anymore (I prefer to be casual and comfortable).  I tried on a corset (after eating at a Chinese Buffet) and Melissa was all too eager to tighten it until I almost hurled.  That night we went to grab some dinner and there was an absolute downpour with gushing winds - my umbrella kept turning inside out, it was awful!  Lots of places were closed for the winter or they were done serving food at 8pm.  We finally found a good Italian spot and had some pizza.

The next day we got up and did some shopping.  I finally got a new handbag and got a few tops.  All this time I've been living on 4-5 days worth of clothes because that's all I packed for my beginning travels.  It was fun to actually have an excuse to shop!  Since Bath is known for the natural hot springs that were the Roman Baths, they have Spas that get water from the natural hot springs.  We went to a Thermal Spa for 2 hours and floated in the pools and went into the steam rooms.  It was very relaxing and I would love to go back there again someday!  Maybe next time I'll have enough money to afford a massage and facial (I'll just keep dreaming anyway!).

We then headed back to London and I got a little motion sick on the train on the way back.  Luckily I didn't throw up, but I did get a pretty bad headache.  Guess I'm still not quite used to all the trains.  

The first part of this week has been good.  I've been given more responsibility at my clinical so I'm getting more hands on experience which is what I need the most!  I got done early yesterday to head down to the Embassy to pick up my official passport (I just have an "emergency passport") for the time being, but they were closed for MLK Day...all the way out here!  I was none too pleased.  Melissa and I took advantage of being in town by going to the Dirty Dancing show which was pretty good.  I thought it was going to be more of a musical so was a little disappointed that there was not much singing.  The dancing was amazing though!  But Baby drove me nuts (I didn't think she was very good) and her hair looked terrible.  But all in all I'm glad we went, it certainly inspired me to get in shape!

That's about all for now.  I think we are going to stay around here this weekend, and maybe take a train out of the city somewhere for an afternoon.  



1 comment:

  1. Jenna -
    I'm loving keeping up with your blog! It sounds like you're having a great experience over there (minus the stolen wallet...). I have a friend who is working over in London right now and she hasn't had much luck finding very good food. What's the name of the tapas place you guys went to? I thought I'd fill her in!
