Wednesday, January 7, 2009

This is my last negative post....

It can only get better from here!!!!  So this is my last negative post....

Monday night (while I was in the middle of blogging), I was having a lovely dinner with my girlfriends and while we were packing up to leave I could not find my purse.  To make a long story short my purse was stolen from under my feet (it was on the floor next to another girl's purse along with my backpack, but luckily only my purse was stolen, I don't think we would have survived having 2 or more of us in the state of mind I was after finding my bag was gone!).

You can probably only imagine how I handled things (if you know me well) which means I completely lost my mind.  Thank God I had Napes, Melissa, and Laura (who is a local to England and really took charge of things) to be able to sort things out while I called my mom and bawled hysterically.  

What was stolen?  EVERYTHING!!!  My beautiful new leather bag from Florence (which I can't replace, everything else can be!), my wallet which had my driver's license, debit card, credit card, 90 pounds cash, along with my passport, check book, international student ID card, dorm keys (which cost 35 pounds to replace) and other minor things.

I'm doing okay now.  As Melissa would tell you I've been in typical Jenna-fashion....laughing at some points and then bawling hysterically at the drop of a hat.  We filed a police report that night, most places in London have this thing called CCTV which are security cameras, and the pub we were in watched the video and they have his face on camera and shows him stealing my bag.  The police officers were really nice (we even got to ride in the police van which was my first trip riding on the wrong side of the rode!).  They got a big kick out of our describing the thief as sounding like "ozzie osbourne".

Yesterday was still quite a mess for me, I didn't sleep much the night before because my dorm is cold, and definitely not the night that my bag was stolen.  I got some more sleep last night and thanks to Napes because she bought me a wonderful warm comforter!  My supervisor at my clinical has been great and is letting us out of orientation early tomorrow so we can go to the U.S. Embassy tomorrow to get a new passport ordered for me.  Also, thankfully, my mom works at the bank that I use back home so she got everything cancelled, and thanks to Dan for rushing home to cancel my credit card.  

I'm just trying to piece everything back together and it's taking baby steps.  Mom will send me a new debit card, as well as my purse from home, and other things.  I've been having to borrow money from Napes and Melissa in order to eat since I have access to funds for a few days.

One more thing I'm thankful about...I don't get carded here when I order a drink (which is something I've needed a few of to let loose after all this).  If I were in the States and had no ID I wouldn't be able to go out for a drink or two!

Also thankful to Napes, Melissa, Laura, Mom (so sorry I'm such a mess), Dan, Dad and Phyliss also for listening to me cry!

So much more has gone on and gone wrong but it would take forever to explain it all!  I'm doing well and none of us were hurt and that's the most important thing.

My Grandma is in for surgery today at Vanderbilt Hospital so say a quick prayer for her and her recovery.  

Take care and WATCH OUT FOR YOUR WALLETS AND PURSES!   K, Bye for now!


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