Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Notting Hill

Unfortunately, we did not see Hugh Grant or Julia Roberts in Notting Hill, nor did we see the famous Travel Bookstore, but we still enjoyed our time traipsing through Notting Hill.  It was not what I expected, but that's probably because we only went to the market area called the Portobello Market.  It was probably about 8-10 blocks long of a market that had everything from fresh produce, food stands, handbags, boots, clothes, coats, jewelry, gloves, scarves, hats, etc.  I did find some gloves and earmuff things (a must because it was soooooo cold!) and a wallet, since mine was stolen.  They were all pretty cheap, I have this new constant fear that anything I buy might be stolen so I'm not going to splurge anymore!  We kept having to hop into a pub every now and then to warm up and have a beverage, my toes were ice cold and felt like they were going to break off!  We ended up at a Mexican restaurant called Crazy Homies and it was delish!  I had a goat cheese, spinach, and potato enchilada (which sounds disgusting but it was awesome) and Melissa had some quesadillas.  We plan to go back there another time on a week night when we get sick of the bland English food!

We weren't quite ready to head home after the Mexican restaurant so we stopped at one of the train stops and did a miniature pub-crawl and went to three different pubs and had a beer at each.  There was a group of 3 cute guys at the first pub we went to, but they each ordered a Smirnoff Ice and some other blue fruity looking drink; they weren't quite manly enough for us needless to say!  Another pub we went to was packed when we got there with a bunch of men standing around watching a "football" a.k.a soccer match.  The game ended in a tie, and yet everyone was cheering (I don't really understand a tie in a sporting event, and I especially don't understand why people would cheer for a tie, I guess they were just happy they didn't lose).  Then we headed back home to our dorms to call it a night.  We thought about staying out and finding a place that was showing the Titans/Ravens game, but we were worn out and sick of being cold and eager to get into our warm beds!



P.S. I wrote this a few nights ago, and heard that the Titans lost.  Total disappointment!  Guess I'll have to find another football team to root for (i.e. a soccer team out here)!  Go Chelsea!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I had a Smirnoff Ice last night...so what does that make me?
